Celtic Tree Month of Alder

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Today marks the first day of the Celtic tree month of Fearn, the alder tree. A fast-growing species, alders are often used to repopulate scorched or barren lands because of their hardiness and their ability to transport airborne nitrogen into the soil, enriching it. Their fallen leaves make for excellent compost. Take time today to look at areas of your life that have been damaged that could benefit from some fast yet thorough healing. While there may still be long-term work, the tree totem alder can aid in some temporary quick fixes while you sort out the more difficult aspects of your situation. Ask alder for help:
Red alder, black alder, white alder, and green,
Help me to heal my wounds, make them clean.
Though the road to true health may be long and dark,
With you as my guide I'll bravely embark!
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