POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cat, Love

Spell to Shine Bright

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Pine
One of the most important qualities of a good priest or priestess of the Craft is self-love. Part of our work as Witches is not only to see divinity in the world, but also to see it within ourselves. Call upon Isis, the Egyptian goddess of magic, this day to shine bright. No icon is more evocative of this sense of self-love as the image of Isis with her wings outstretched in the fullness of her power, beauty, and glory. Find a copy of this image-a statue, piece of jewelry, or just a printout-then hold the image to your heart and say something like:
Isis, Goddess, Queen of Wonder,
You who are mistress of all enchantment.
With your blessings this day,
May I shine with the
radiance of a million stars.
May my truest, most
beautiful divine self
Shine brightly, that I may see the beauty within.

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