POSTED UNDER Autumn, Love, Prayer

Autumn Festival of the Great Goddess (Navaratri)

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Today, the Hindu lunar calendar welcomes in autumn, and with this auspicious occasion, we greet the Mother of the Universe, Maa Durga. Called the Inaccessible One, she stands outside of time and space, fighting evil in the cosmic realm on our behalf. Traditionally, devotees light lamps and fast, opening their hearts through song and prayer, pouring out their love and appreciation to Her in all forms seen and unseen. Today, celebrate the gifts of Her grace through good thought, right action, and appropriate speech. Utter Her mantra,
in four parts: first out loud, then whispered, then internally, then in complete silence, just allowing it to settle into the psychic fabric and matter of your beingness. In this way, you perform both an honoring and a prayer that takes you more deeply into resonance with the Divine Will.
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