Day of Forgiveness

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
Forgiveness is a tricky thing, and it's usually far easier to forgive others than to forgive ourselves. Today is Yom Kippur within the Jewish tradition, a day of atonement for the sins of the year past. Why not perform a simple ritual of forgiveness for yourself today?

Light a white candle and gather a pad of paper, a favored writing implement, and a bar of chocolate. Get comfy and light the candle. On the paper, list the things that you need to work toward forgiveness for. As you write each item, take a moment to dwell on it and remind yourself of why you deserve to be forgiven. When you're done, burn the list in a fireproof bowl, then sit back and enjoy the chocolate as you contemplate life without those burdens. Repeat as often as necessary.
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