POSTED UNDER Prosperity, Rain, Water

Tea of Plenty

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Rose
This simple ritual to promote abundance and general prosperity utilizes regular tea, whole wheat toast, and a bit of butter. Tea (whether black, green, oolong, or white) contains the energy of prosperity. Wheat carries the energy of abundance, and butter is attuned to transformation. Sitting down with a freshly brewed cup of tea and some buttered toast can be an opportunity to partake of the magic of abundance.

As the water heats up, hold the tea bag (or tea strainer) and cultivate a sense of abundance. While the tea steeps, make the toast, and as you butter it, again focus on abundance. Before the first sip, say:

"Abundance and growth now come forth.
I take into myself the power of plenty."

Finish the tea and toast and try to hold the feeling of abundance as strongly as possible.
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About Michael Furie
Michael Furie (Northern California) is the author of Supermarket Sabbats, Spellcasting for Beginners, Supermarket Magic, Spellcasting: Beyond the Basics, and more, all from Llewellyn Worldwide. A practicing Witch for more than twenty years, he is a priest of the Cailleach. ...
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