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A New Moon Spell

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Marigold
This new moon occurs when the sun is in Virgo, which makes it a good time to start any magical work having to do with health, diet, nutrition, career, business, or education. To help you achieve your goal, try this method of spellwork.

Begin by writing down your goal on paper. Place this on your altar. On one side of the paper place an orange candle for success, and on the other side place a royal-blue candle for expansion. Don't light them yet.

For three nights, starting tonight, read or chant your goal aloud. On the third night, read it again and then light each candle to release the spell's power. Let them burn awhile, then snuff them out. Keep the paper and repeat this ritual if you wish during the full moon. When you attain your goal, discard the paper.
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