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Tarot Spell for Strength, Health, Safety, and Ease of Childbirth

This spell calls upon the qualities that will carry a woman through the difficulties of pregnancy and childbirth. The power of this spell is at its strongest when the parents-to-be perform it together, so the directions are written to be followed by an expectant couple. However, if this spell is performed alone by an expectant mother or is performed on behalf of another person, you should alter the directions as necessary.

In this layout, the Significator card representing the mother-to-be is flanked by Strength, which bestows all the qualities this card implies, plus the Sun, which stands for children, as well as for happiness and success. The Empress crowns this pyramidal layout. The Empress stands for motherhood and fertility, and promises that all will be well.

For this spell,you may obtain something that can be used as a special charm, and that will be kept near the card arrangement, to be charged with power during the spell. This charm can then be kept near the expectant mother throughout her pregnancy. (This charm is optional and is to be thought of as a nice little "extra;" do not feel that you have to be dependent on it. Your luck will not be affected if you lose the charm or do not always have it near you.) A small baby item, such as a rattle, can be used as a charm for this spell. The charm can also take the form of jewelry, a statuette, or a picture. Such a charm may depict some traditional maternity symbol. (Figures of pregnant women believed to have been used as charms date back to prehistoric times.) Animals such as the rabbit, which is famous for its pregnancies, or the cat, which is known as a devoted mother, also figure as good luck charms. These animals are also sacred to a number of ancient mother goddesses. The hippopotamus was used by the Egyptians to symbolize the goddess Tau-urt, who was the patroness of pregnancy, so if you can obtain a hippopotamus figure (and also have a sense of humor to go with it), this would also be an appropriate charm. If you are able to obtain emblems or figurines through a history museum gift shop or art catalog, you may also acquire other ancient goddesses who were reputed to help in childbirth, including Isis, Meskhent, Demeter, Diana, Juno Lucina, Freya, Parvati, and Kuan-yin. Traditional Madonna symbols would also be good for this purpose.

If you wish to use other accessories for this spell, red candles, flowers, crystals and gemstones, and cloth to lay the cards upon can be used, because this color has traditionally been associated with conception, childbirth, and motherhood. Red can also stand for the energy and vitality required to carry the mother-to-be through pregnancy and childbirth. White is also a good color to use, as it stands for purity, spiritual strength, and energy. If you are performing this spell on behalf of someone who is not present, have near the card layout a picture or some other personal belonging of hers.

To perform this spell, improvise a ritual of your own, or just proceed by laying out the cards and doing the meditation, visualization, and affirmation.

Meditation and Visualization
When ready, set the expectant mother's Significator card in place. Then you (the expectant couple) should hold hands while considering your happiness upon learning about the pregnancy. Now, look at the Significator card and consider the many changes the expectant mother is now undergoing and will continue pregnancyspellspreadto undergo.

Next, lay Strength down to the left of the Significator. Visualize the expectant mother in a state of perfect health. Visualize her having the energy and strength needed to carry the strain that pregnancy places on the body and the mind.

Now, place the Empress above the Significator as shown in the diagram. Visualize the expectant mother going through all of the stages of pregnancy. Visualize as ideal a pregnancy as you can imagine, calling upon any sentimental images you may have of the "Earth Mother" personality and experience. Visualize the mother having an idyllic pregnancy, culminating with giving birth safely and easily in an ideal setting.

Finally, set the Sun in place. Visualize a beautiful baby in a state of hearty health and happiness. Both mother and father should now put their hands on the mother’s stomach and try to sense a bond with the presence within.

At this point, the father-to-be should use both hands to draw a protective egg or aura around his wife. To do this, he should visualize cosmic power coursing through his body, then will a surge of psychic power to flow out from his hands. He then holds his hands over her head and works his way downward, moving his hands in small circular motions or such other motions he feels comfortable with, using the energy to shape a protective force field. Seal this action with a kiss.

Note: If this spell is being performed on behalf of a person not present, lay her picture or personal belonging over the Significator card and make the hand motions over the card layout. Take similar actions for the consecration of the charm, which follows. If you are performing this spell alone, modify the instructions and shape the force field with your own hands.

Next, take up the item that you have chosen to use as a charm, then both of you press the charm to the mother's abdomen while saying together the following affirmation.


"We call upon all good and helpful powers!
Hear us and aid us now
through pregnancy and childbirth.
We ask for protection.
We ask for strength.
We ask for full health.
(Name of mother) is surrounded by your protective power.
This small item (referring to the charm)
shall also hold protective power.
It shall be kept near (mother)
to give extra strength and protection.
So it is,and so shall it be!"

Place the charm back by the card layout for the time being, and seal the spell with another kiss. You may consider the spell closed at this point, or you may close the spell as desired.

From Tarot Spells, by Janina Renée

About Janina Renée

Janina Renée is a scholar of folklore, psychology, medical anthropology, the material culture of magic, ritual studies, history, and literature. Her books include Tarot Spells, Tarot Your Everyday Guide (winner ...

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