Posted Under Ghosts & Hauntings

Starting Your Magical Travel Kit for the Art of Laying Ghosts

Magical Items for Laying Ghosts

Long before spiritualism or paranormal investigation, there was a complete art called sciomancy that investigated and attempted to resolve disturbances caused by unquiet spirits of the dead, known as revenants or ghosts. Sciomancy is the lesser-known of the two branches of medieval necromancy (not to be confused with the practice of divining by shadows, which shares the same name). This ancient art is as relevant today as it was in the Middle Ages, and has influenced the development of subsequent local traditions. In Britain, the method of bringing peace to a troubled spirit is known as Laying Ghosts, a practice that has spread across the seas, from generation to generation. It is from the Scottish version of this art that our personal adventure into sciomancy began.

It is not unusual for unquiet spirits to be present; in fact it is quite normal. Mostly they are going about their own business, not trying to attract attention. What most people find disarming is when the dead become visible, or when their activities impact the world of the living. In the case of revenant spirits, this mostly occurs because the surrounding conditions are conducive to spirit manifestation, and not necessarily due to any will of their own. There are some spirits who learn to manipulate the environment for their own purposes and can reach out to the world of the living, but most will not be aware if they are interacting with our physical world.

In our book Unquiet Voices: The Magical Art of Laying Ghosts, we provide a complete guide to teach you the theory and methods of sciomancy adapted for the modern magician or paranormal investigator, including how to identify spirits, recognize when they are harmful, and know when and how to intervene. If like us, you are called to do this kind of work, if you desire to help resolve a spirit disturbance and bring peace to both the living and the dead, then you will need your own sciomancy toolkit.

Ritual Tools for Travel
There are numerous similarities between sciomancy and modern paranormal investigation, least of which is the adaptation of tools to meet the specialized needs of the circumstances. Because sciomancy is an occult art practiced on location, it requires unique magical tools and confections that are suitable to travel to the site of a disturbance. Ideally any ritual apparatus should be properly consecrated and imbued with the intention of its purpose, but a good sciomancer will also know how to improvise when required. You must not only know an item's meaning, but how and when to use it effectively. Of course, the most important tools are the skills and knowledge of the practitioner, who has actively honed their subtle senses and is equipped with a comprehensive understanding of their art.

Bell, Book, and Candle
Those revenants who are cognizant and wish to be known may readily communicate. For those who are lost or in a state of distress, the realm between the living and the dead can be a dark and confusing state. Often, we must first draw the attention of a spirit before we can communicate with them.

Suppose for a moment what it is like for one of these spirits… Imagine you are stranded alone in a turbulent sea. You try to call out, but no one can hear you. From a distance, the clear sound of a bell reaches you. It is the first sign of clarity you have experienced, and you naturally turn toward it. A faint light ahead draws you nearer and you sense something familiar. Slowly, your fear and confusion are replaced with hope as you draw nearer. This scenario explains the importance of certain ritual tools associated with calling unquiet spirits, and especially those who are too distraught to respond to other methods.

Compana or Bell
The compana is a small, consecrated handbell used in ceremony. The clear, resonant tone can travel beyond the veil and stir the hearts of both the living and the dead. In a pinch, you can use a drinking glass and spoon to make a bell, or even your own singing voice, but it should never be replaced by a trumpet, drum, or whistle, which have a different purpose in attracting the attention of spirits other than human.

Lamp or Candle
This is an important tool in most magical systems, representing the source of life and the center of our existence. In Laying Ghosts, it plays a specific purpose to symbolize the unfettered soul and hold the attention of a troubled spirit as you guide them to the place you wish to communicate with them. A candle consecrated with appropriate oil, or a dedicated oil lamp is best, but in immediate circumstances an electric candle or lamp can suffice.

Traditionally, the book a sciomancer may carry is more than a collection of rites and orations. It is also a statement of magical authority. Likewise, ministers of religion who practiced Laying Ghosts exhibited a bible or book of psalms to communicate the same purpose. Western esoteric traditions can include other emblems of magical dignification, such as a rod. When a revenant has been summoned, a rod may be extended towards them as a sign of trust and compassionate authority. In certain historical lines of necromancy, the rod is topped with the symbol of an owl to denote the goddess of the underworld under whose license the magician acts.

Relics and Affinities
Another method to entice a spirit is with relics and affinities. Relics are those items that were in possession of the spirit during their incarnated life; these have a powerful pull that is difficult to resist. Affinities refer more broadly to those things that are familiar and remind the spirit of their former existence. They operate as a type of sympathetic magic and are most effective when they can evoke a strong memory.

Relics and Affinities are always specific to the case you are working on, and so do not form a part of your regular tool kit. However, they are important to help you to attract a specific spirit when you do not have a name or other means to call them.

Tools for Communication
Communication with spirits forms a natural part of our own family life, which is passed down to us from previous generations. While this ability can be developed, there is also an advantage to using simple tools that can facilitate clear discourse and put some distance between us and the spirit. Whether it is a mirror for scrying or digital recorder to capture electronic voice, each practitioner will develop their preferred methods. It is essential to learn how to use these methods safely and with discipline to ensure you are addressing the intended spirit and are not being deceived or misguided.

Amulets for Protection
Any type of work with spirits requires magical protection. There are two traditional amulets specific to sciomancy that can be worn or strategically placed to keep an area spirit-free. Both are easily obtained or made, but they are meaningless unless they are magically intentionalized. The first is iron, which in folklore is said to repel ghosts but in fact can have the opposite effect. The occult properties of iron, when intentionalized, provide an impassable barrier around itself so that revenants found outside the boundaries of its influence cannot approach, but if they are situated within it, they are bound. For this reason, iron has historically been used in necromancy to both protect the magician from revenants and where necessary constrain them to one place. Spirits can sense this effect and for this reason most try to avoid it.

The second is a symbol or talisman dedicated to the purpose of preventing a spirit from entering. These symbols always include crossed lines as part of the design and can be complex imagery or as simple as an "x" drawn with chalk.

Confections and Preparations
One of the most effective ways to responsibly manage spirit phenomena is learning to control their subtle environment with specific botanicals. In this way you can mitigate, enhance, or ward against spirit activity as needed. Such remedies have been handed down for centuries and put to the test of tradition.

Salts and Washes
A key ingredient used in sciomancy for magical cleansing and asperging is sanctified water. Although our tradition provides methods of preparation, we often defer to the purifying agency of salt to consecrate water when on location. Salt can also be mixed with powdered rust (ferric oxide) to make red-salt, used as a protective barrier.

When something stronger than sanctified water is required, other magical infusions can be used. For example, to permanently cleanse a spirit attachment from an object we use a wash of savory, which we prepare as a concentrate in advance and add to water as needed.

One of the traditional ways to efficiently control spirit activity is with incense, which is why it historically plays such a vital role in magic. Incense can be stored for travel as pellets by rolling a mixture of dried herbs with oil and soft beeswax. In Unquiet Voices, we specify an array of incense recipes useful for sciomancy, including rarifying incense. Made from common sage, juniper, or cedar, this incense will alter the magical conditions and thereby mitigate spirit phenomena. Contrary to widely held belief, herbs such as sage do not actually expel ghosts, but they do temporarily allow a reprieve from spirit activity. The effects will last up to 2-3 weeks.

Certain flora can also have a powerful effect. For instance, did you know that pasque meadow flowers and violets are ancient funerary offerings? We carry dried petals to spread once a revenant has been laid to rest. This humble gesture signifies a peaceful departure and communicates to divine powers that a spirit is ready to be guided to the next stage of their journey.

Integrating Modern Technology
The best means for identifying a spirit comes from a knowledge of sciomancy, and the best tools for detecting the presence of spirits are our subtle senses. But that does not mean there is not room for experimentation. As magic evolves, experiences with modern technologies can enhance your practice providing you pay attention to what a device is measuring or recording and how it can best be employed.

Working alongside paranormal investigators, we tried a variety of innovative technology and introduced them to low-tech alternatives. The two items we found most valuable are digital recording devices, used for capturing activity and for confirming experiences, and a meter for reading electro-magnetic frequencies (EMF). Used correctly, an EMF meter can help you understand conditions in the environment and eliminate false reports of spirit activity. In contrast, devices that artificially create EMF are a hindrance to your investigation.

When it comes to assembling your sciomancy toolkit there is room to be creative, but it should also be practical. Traditional tools have been tried and proven, whereas new technologies may require testing in the field. Overall, sciomancy is an exciting and dynamic art with many treasures yet to be discovered. Just bear in mind that it is a service, and a compassionate resolution should always be the primary objective.

About Nonie Douglas
Nonie Douglas is an artist, writer, and esotericist who works with the practice and preservation of mystery traditions of the British Isles. Impelled by her pursuit of ancestral spirituality, Nonie teaches about the ...
About Rob Douglas
Nonie Douglas is an artist, writer, and esotericist who works with the practice and preservation of mystery traditions of the British Isles. Impelled by her pursuit of ancestral spirituality, Nonie teaches about the ...
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